Mammamiaaa: the University of Gastronomic Sciences at Casa Netural

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Mammamiaaa: the University of Gastronomic Sciences at Casa Netural

Have you ever heard about Mammamiaaa? It’s a project by Matera 2019, European Capital of Culture, coordinated by Casa Netural for the city cultural programm of the 2019.

Recently we made a preview in Matera and launched the social channel, and immediately we found many people from all around Italy (but not only) interested in the project. For example the young students of the University of Gastronomic Science of Pollenzo (a real university of food).

Università degli Studi di Scienze Gastronomiche di Pollenzo

Here in Matera to know more about the activities for the cultural program of the 2019, the students arrived in our home, with a lot of curiosity and questions about this project which starts from the food as a catalyst of the material culture. 

Casa Netural became full of curious mind seeking for knowledge, a big group of students coming from the whole world. Everyone with his or her culture, traditions, and stories, many linked to food and kitchen. Each one of this traditions is part of a inestimable cultural heritage, made up of recipes, tastes, memories and emotions.

It’s a Cultural Heritage that Mammamiaaa will collect through the organization of 10.000 dinners, and that will be told with innovative processes with the social networks and the web site of the project. Are you curious?

Mammamiaaa it’s already online, and it’s possible to subscribe for the newsletter to keep updated.  It’s also possible to propose for collaborations in the realization of the dinner.

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